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In pornography, sexuality and sexual behavior, “BBC” refers to a large African-American penis. There’s nothing complicated about that.
BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation, a channel that broadcasts British news in Europe (here in the United States if you subscribe). It is just a news station.
There are two different meanings to the term “BBC” as you can see.
Different historical contexts have interacted differently with concepts of race and sexuality. In spite of the fact that race is partially based on physical similarity within groups, scientists consider it to be more of a social construct than a biological one. Biological, erotic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual factors play a role in human sexuality.
A person’s perception of the relationship between these two concepts implicitly influences his or her attitudes toward interracial relationships and his or her sexual preferences for certain races. As a result of racial bias, racial fetishism often has a sexual dimension.
In pornography, black men are typically expected to be hyper-masculine and hyper-sexual, and their fetishization is often seen in the “BBC” (big black cock) category, which emphasizes the idea that they should have a large penis. Considering that interracial pornography involving black males is fetishized by whites more than black pornography, it is assumed that BBC, one of the most searched categories on PornHub as of 2019, originated from whites fetishizing black pornography. There has been scientific scrutiny of the stereotype of the larger penis in black men, but no conclusive findings have been found. As well, black men are expected to be rough and sexually dominant in porn videos. Historically, black men were stereotyped as “Mandingos,” reflecting the popular “Mandingo” stereotype. A number of black porn actors have spoken up on social media about issues with filming, highlighting how a white performer charges a higher fee for interracial (IR) scenes. To which Isiah Maxwell responds: “IR is a smokescreen for what you’re really trying to say … it doesn’t mean Asian or Latino. Is it OK with you if you have sex with a black guy?”
In terms of athletics, the black male can be viewed as a performer under the “white gaze,” according to psychiatrist and political philosopher Frantz Fanon. Moreover, Ben Carrington elaborates on this hypothesis in his article Race, representation and the sporting body, whereby “Blackness itself was pathologized as a deviant identity, and the black male was stereotyped as a hyper-sexified, almost animallike entity.” (Carrington, 2002). It is Carrington who explains in detail this idea of black men having to possess animalistic behavior. According to Carrington, black athletes – male and female – are often described as strong, powerful, and quick, but often have unpredictable and wild moments when they are supposed to lack the cognitive capabilities – unlike white peers – to maintain ‘composure’ at critical times. According to Carrington, representation in the media (both in sports and pornography) leaves the black male body vulnerable and exposed to inspection just as Fanon talks about the white gaze.